Dear SRA Community,

This message is to advise you of the changes to the Opening Consultant Certification that was announced earlier today in the April Communiqué.

  1. Due to the closure of the office as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will NOT be accepting new and renewing applications for Certified Consultants until July 1, 2020.
  2. All Certified Consultants whose certification has expired between January 1 and June 30 will have their Certification automatically extended to June 30th. However, in order to maintain your certification, we ask that you send in your certification fee ($10 for each month) to make you current to June 30th. For example, if your certification expired in February 2020, in order to stay current, you will need to send in $50 to make you current to June.
  3. Starting July 1st, all applications for new and renewing Certified Consultants will be using the new Certification process, which will be published in the August 2020 edition of Communiqué.
  4. All long-term teacher recertifications will also begin on July 1st. A long-term teacher is defined as a teacher who has successfully renewed their certification five times (initial certification plus four renewals). The renewal process for long-term teachers will not be changing.
  5. All first-time applications and first four renewals for teachers will begin on September 1, 2020. The new Certification process will be released in the August 2020 edition of Communiqué.
  6. All Certified Teachers who are not considered long-term teachers whose certification has expired or will expire prior to August 2020, will also be automatically extended to August 31st, but just as #2 above, you will need to send your prorated certification fee up to August 2020, to the office in order to stay current.

Please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience or confusion this may be causing you. Rolling out a new certification plan is a complicated process, which has only been made more complex with the current COVID-19 crisis. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact either RaShell Kingsbury, Bertha Calvin, or Bill Gee. Thank you for your continued support as we move forward into uncharted territory.


Spiritually clearing ourselves through SRT is only one half of the process that is necessary to create change.  The other half of the process includes our desire and abilities to shift emotionally, mentally and physically.  At times we can see with ourselves and our clients that the second part of this process is more challenging to manage.  Why?  We may not trust SPIRIT, the Universe, or ourselves to support or make a change.

How do we develop this trust?  Become aware of some certainties in life.  For instance, you are certain the sun rises in the morning, the moon appears in the evening, leaves turn colors in the fall, and flowers bloom.  You trust how the universe provides and supports your life in this way. You never question.  You have an expectation of how the universe physically supports the bigger environment. Become aware of one or two things that you do well.  They may be talent or gift of yours or something you do that you feel is as easy as breathing. Whatever it is, you trust yourself to do these things without question.

With your awareness that you can trust SPIRIT, the Universe and yourself, apply this energy to the areas of your life you desire change.  Use a statement such as, “If SPIRIT supplies all the oxygen in my life, then SPIRIT supplies me with ________ to make my life better.”  When you fully build your trust, you will be able to easily and effectively create great changes in your life.


  • Is there anything blocking my ability to trust SPIRIT? To trust SRT? To trust myself?
  • Are there programs blocking my abilities to shift emotionally, mentally or physically?
  • Is there anything blocking my awareness of my talents?
  • What percent do I know that my changes will be for my highest and greatest good?


Our Spiritual Work

We live a moment with great challenges at the collective level on our planet, and therefore our spiritual work is of paramount importance. As facilitators and therapists, we tend to act in aid of others immediately when difficult situations occur, and many times we forget ourselves. If we want to provide a service and support others, it is very important that we start with ourselves, facilitating our own emotional, mental, spiritual and physical processes. It is necessary to be silent, connected with our interior allowing our internal processes to occur, to achieve a transformation.

In these times of apparent confusion and chaos, we can feel that we are out of control or, on the contrary, paralyzed. A good practice is to use it to look inward. Make a retrospective of your life, of your history, of your associations, of what you have considered your mistakes and successes and work on them. Try to find out which of these aspects you are still related to through judgment or lack of forgiveness. This can happen by clearing up and reassessing our relationships, past issues and even our perceptions about politics, religion, the justice system, and any organization, person or group with which we are not completely comfortable.

Try to stimulate in your life and in your environment everything that expands love and not fear, opens the path to peace and not to pain. To support the process, you may want to review the following points:

  • In what % are the emotions / energies I am experiencing mine? If they are yours in some percentage, identify them and allow yourself to observe them. Remember that you are not your emotions, however, they are tools you have in your system to facilitate your learning in this incarnation. Once you look at them, try to find what you must learn through them, thank them and let them go. It may take some practice time to complete the process. You can also use other techniques to work with emotions such as Tapping, the Emotion Code, etc.
  • Am I running someone else’s energies? This is possible since we are involved in collective events (family, community, social media groups, etc.) Clear what leads you to run other´s energies and / or programs. There may be loyalties or votes you wish to cancel.
  • Is there anything that prevents me from focusing and anchoring in the love of SPIRIT at this time? Clear whatever is necessary and affirm:
    • “I am a divine spiritual being living on earth here and now (inhale and exhale between each sentence). My learning path is correct and perfect here and now. I surrender to the care of SPIRIT and let go of fear. Fear is the illusion that I can be separated from SPIRIT. I am SPIRIT here and now.”


Compassion means to step within yourself to see how you are spiritually connected to another, see where you have healed this part of yourself and can energetically support that person’s journey. It can also mean you become one with another as you are deeply aware that you also have not healed this part of yourself as you witness their experience.  They are giving you the opportunity to energetically and spiritually clear this aspect for them and yourself.  It’s an easy blessing for us to witness another’s suffering, feel compassion, see our connection with that person, gain understanding, and heal.

However, what about expressing compassion for a person who is ‘causing’ the suffering of another?  It’s not easy to go within and find our connection to this person.  We either do not want to see or acknowledge that we share this negative expression with another. However, how are we to consistently heal ourselves if we do not or cannot acknowledge our connection to every person and expression on this planet?


  • What percent do I express compassion to those I see as negative?
  • What percent do I acknowledge that everything that happens on this planet is connected to my own consciousness?
  • What percent do I know that I heal when I am truly compassionate?
  • What percent do I see SPIRIT in myself? In others? In every living thing on the planet? In every positive and negative expression?
  • How do I consistently express compassion?

Healing Through Forgiveness

When we do an SRT session, at the base of the clearing process itself, healing is happening through forgiveness. This powerful transformation supports our healing on many levels and is part of the primary idea behind Spiritual Response Therapy.

Keeping discordant energy towards a situation or person always implies a lack of forgiveness. It is important to know that the discordant energies generating the resultant programs keep us energetically tied to the situation of the past, and the associated programs are recreated with our own vital energy until that situation is resolved. The lack of forgiveness implies difficulty in seeing the learning that this situation or person is facilitating to us. Additionally, behind any lack of forgiveness there is judgment towards ourselves for having allowed the situation to happen (lack of forgiveness with ourselves). In this way we find ourselves in a pattern of guilt and resistance to release and let go. True forgiveness also means forgiving ourselves.

Forgiving does not mean that we accept what the other did was right or wrong. Forgiving means that we want to heal the situation, release our energy, and move on.

When we clear programs with SRT, a powerful process of forgiveness is happening spiritually. When High Self/ SPIRIT shows us a program, it is because the time has come to review that situation, heal, and forgive. This process is what supports the releasing of the experience and allows the Soul to complete the learning process involved. However, in some cases it may also be necessary to carry out a process of conscious forgiveness using some additional tool in addition to the clearing.

The following questions can help to bring more light and understanding about the situation we want/need to forgive:

  • Is there anything that prevents me from forgiving……?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from seeing the learning in this situation?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from taking responsibility for this situation?
  • What is my learning in this situation? (Search for clues in the charts)
  • What prevents me from properly integrating the learning involved?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from forgiving, releasing and letting go?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from forgiving myself and freeing myself?
  • What% of my energy is still recreating this situation? (The idea is to have 0% which implies that the detachment from the situation has been successfully completed).


Thoughts, emotions (energy in motion), and infinite consciousness are the perfect instruments in which to express one’s self as SPIRIT.  We take these innate characteristics for granted forgetting how equipped we are to live this life fully, meet every challenge successfully, and create opportunities for greatness quite effortlessly.  If we, through our many experiences, have expanded SPIRIT’S consciousness beyond what SPIRIT ever imagined, then surely, we can allow ourselves to easily and consistently expand beyond what we have imagined for ourselves. Remember as above so below.

How do you do this? Work with your HS and SPIRIT to change your perspective of yourself and what you have within.  Become more aware that you control your thoughts, emotions and infinite consciousness.  You are not at their whim or under their influence.  These are your tools, not your masters.  These are your gifts, not your limitations. Learn to trust yourself to lovingly engage your thoughts, emotions and infinite consciousness to express your highest vision, meaning, and purpose.  Be SPIRIT, living here and now in this physical experience because you are fully equipped to do so.


  • What percent am I effectively using my thoughts? Emotions?
  • What percent am I accessing my infinite consciousness?
  • What percent am I effectively using these tools to understand and meet my challenges? To create more opportunities to live a more fulfilling life?
  • What programs are blocking me from creating a more spiritually expanded perspective of my abilities and myself?
  • What percent do I trust my abilities to express my highest vision, meaning and purpose in life?

Asking Questions to High Self/SPIRIT

Many SRT practitioners experience difficulties when asking questions of their High Self Committee. In some cases, we do not know how to create the question or how to focus our concern. There may also be a lack of confidence in the relationship we establish with the High Self and this is reflected in our difficulties to understand the answers or to flow with the clearing process. While it is important to learn to ask questions, our focused intention and full confidence in the process are vital elements to flow harmoniously during the clearing.

When starting a clearing with SRT always focus on a goal and put an intention in your mind and your heart. Preparing to work is much more than performing some steps mechanically. Be aware that by doing this process we are opening a sacred space of connection and healing, and we are remembering that we are ONE with SPIRIT. In this way we connect with the divine intelligence that supports and loves us unconditionally. Our requests are heard, and the process takes us by the hand to change our vibration and awareness towards love.


  • In what % do I feel full confidence in working with my High Self/SPIRIT?
  • In what % do I feel heard and understood by my High Self/SPIRIT?
  • If the answers to the previous questions are not 100%, then check the associated programs and make releasing statements to change your belief(s).
  • Is there something that prevents me from transforming my concerns into questions for my High Self/SPIRIT?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from creating good questions and transforming my challenges into clear ideas to express?
  • Is there a blockage in my communication with High Self/SPIRIT?
  • Is there something that prevents me from feeling and believing that my requests are heard and cared for by my High Self/SPIRIT?


All of us with a consciousness at and above Radiant Love have taken on a responsibility to experience, learn and understand the inherent potential and possibilities available at this level spiritual awareness.  At this level, we are always co-creating with SPIRIT new potentials and possibilities in all dimensions, realities, spaces and times. This is amazing!  However how does this expanding consciousness manifest for each of us here and now in our everyday physical lives?  What does it mean to physically think, express, act and create from these expanded levels? How has my life changed? How do I now approach my relationships with others? How has my abundance evolved? These are wonderful questions for each of us to constantly and consistently ask ourselves. We must become aware of how we physically manifest at Radiant Love in order for SPIRIT to understand and make this knowledge available to all.

We are also to understand why we may not have been able to physically manifest while our spiritual consciousness is at the level of Radiant Love.  If you have not experienced a significant shift in how you are approaching and living your life, then you must become aware of your programs, blocks, fears and limitations.  Are you creating these at Radiant Love?  Are they SPIRIT’s programming? Do you have hidden programming and/or beliefs that you are not willing to release? Are you afraid of freeing yourself? Clearing these questions will not only expand your access to living at this consciousness but others’ access as well. We are One with each other and SPIRIT after all.  Each of our points of self-awareness is the key to everyone’s transformation.  With our transformation we are then free to access our abilities to radiantly love and live fully here and now.

In addition to the above questions that will help you to transform, you may ask:

  • What needs to be cleared so that I understand what Radiant Love consciousness means for me?
  • What programs are blocking my abilities to fully integrate my spiritual consciousness with physical manifestation?
  • What programs are blocking me from taking on this spiritual responsibility?

Your Spiritual Power

When we practice SRT we become very good at researching and clearing programs. We know the steps, gather the information and in the end High Self/SPIRIT clears the discordant energy and replaces it with positive energy. The process is simple and efficient, but maybe we do not always understand the discordant energy that was cleared tied us to the past situation because it is part of our vital energy. Yes, that’s right, we keep the programs active with our own energy or spirit, until that situation is solved.

Many connoisseurs and teachers of spiritual and energy topics speak of this phenomenon as “a loss of spiritual power”. In SRT we talk about judgment and unforgiveness as the main factors that create programs; judgment and lack of forgiveness lessen our own power. Maybe you’re wondering what is spiritual power? Actually, it is a very broad concept to which each one of us could add an infinity of ideas. Perhaps we could summarize it as the set of tools that are given to us by Spirit when we were created, to be used when incarnating in a physical body, such as the ability to think and feel to create and choose. The importance of this idea lies in realizing how we use that power, since we can choose to act from love or from fear. By choosing from fear we dissipate and give our power away. Only choosing and acting from love fully recovers our spiritual power intact.


  • Start by asking your High Self what percentage of positive/negative energy do I have with my spiritual power? Clear until the energies are 100% positive and 0% negative.
  • Then think about a specific situation or moment in your life.
  • In what% am I losing my spiritual power in this situation? Clear until the loss of spiritual power is 0%.
  • What prevents me from recovering all of my spiritual power in this situation?
  • Is there something I should clear, know or do, to bring my energy/spirit back?
  • Consider that it may be necessary to work on other aspects besides clearing programs, such as bringing information to your consciousness, or changing beliefs. Use the charts to find clues.


We realize that when we clear ourselves the spiritual shifts happen instantly.  A lot of times we may be aware that our mental, emotional and/or physical aspects have registered a positive shift.  We may feel better, our minds are clearer, and our physical actions are more direct and purposeful.  However, for the times when shifts are not as obvious, practicing faith, acceptance, patience and persistence are important. Be open to your experience.  Be open to yourself.  Be open to what SPIRIT has in store for you.  Empowering statements we can say to ourselves as we shift are: “I am exactly who I should be right now”.  “I am exactly where I need to be in my life at this moment”.  “What I am experiencing is for my highest learning and I accept the wisdom of this experience now”. The present is perfectly divine, and you are SPIRIT’S perfect expression.


  • Am I allowing mental, emotional and physical shifts to happen easily and effortlessly?
  • Do I have faith in myself? In SPIRIT?
  • Do I accept myself as I am? Do I accept that my experiences are allowing me to learn and grow in the right and perfect way?
  • Do I see my life as hard or problematic?
  • What programs are blocking me from practicing patience and persistence?
  • Are there programs blocking me from reaching spiritual and physical perfection?