Your Spiritual Power

When we practice SRT we become very good at researching and clearing programs. We know the steps, gather the information and in the end High Self/SPIRIT clears the discordant energy and replaces it with positive energy. The process is simple and efficient, but maybe we do not always understand the discordant energy that was cleared tied us to the past situation because it is part of our vital energy. Yes, that’s right, we keep the programs active with our own energy or spirit, until that situation is solved.

Many connoisseurs and teachers of spiritual and energy topics speak of this phenomenon as “a loss of spiritual power”. In SRT we talk about judgment and unforgiveness as the main factors that create programs; judgment and lack of forgiveness lessen our own power. Maybe you’re wondering what is spiritual power? Actually, it is a very broad concept to which each one of us could add an infinity of ideas. Perhaps we could summarize it as the set of tools that are given to us by Spirit when we were created, to be used when incarnating in a physical body, such as the ability to think and feel to create and choose. The importance of this idea lies in realizing how we use that power, since we can choose to act from love or from fear. By choosing from fear we dissipate and give our power away. Only choosing and acting from love fully recovers our spiritual power intact.


  • Start by asking your High Self what percentage of positive/negative energy do I have with my spiritual power? Clear until the energies are 100% positive and 0% negative.
  • Then think about a specific situation or moment in your life.
  • In what% am I losing my spiritual power in this situation? Clear until the loss of spiritual power is 0%.
  • What prevents me from recovering all of my spiritual power in this situation?
  • Is there something I should clear, know or do, to bring my energy/spirit back?
  • Consider that it may be necessary to work on other aspects besides clearing programs, such as bringing information to your consciousness, or changing beliefs. Use the charts to find clues.