We are happy to let you know the SRA Board is extending the SRA logo competition submission date! Several community members have requested more time to develop their ideas, therefore the new submission deadline date is April 30, 2018.   We will have a special Logo Committee of Teachers, Consultants, and Practitioners from around the world to vote and have results to the community on May 31, 2018. 

We give a special ‘Thank You’ to those who have already sent in their designs.  We are delighted by all we have received and thank everyone who has participated so far.  SPIRIT is inspiring you and you have inspired us!

Besides being recognized for your work and interviewed for the Ascension, what will you receive?  We are considering one of the following:

  • Monthly clearing for a year from phone consultants
  • Robert made pendulums (2-3)
  • Year of meditations
  • Recordings of teleconferences
  • Ascension for one year (if already signed up extend)

Thank you everyone for helping us move forward to share SRT and SPIRIT’s healing energies for decades to come.

Many Blessings,

Shirlyn, Jan, Bertha, Justin, Alexandra, and Malabika

Exciting staff changes at the SRA. RaShell and Amy are moving… around the office that is.

Amy will fulfill the position of Staff and Communications Manager. If it involves connecting with the community (teachers, consultants, students, publications, curriculum, or simply chatting about SRT), contact Amy.

RaShell is now our Facilities Manager beginning Monday, 12 February. If it involves orders, product, books, registering for classes, RaShell is the one to contact! srtmail@spiritualresponse.com

Let us know how we can help you spread the loving healing energies of SPIRIT and this fantastic modality of SRT.
