We realize that when we clear ourselves the spiritual shifts happen instantly.  A lot of times we may be aware that our mental, emotional and/or physical aspects have registered a positive shift.  We may feel better, our minds are clearer, and our physical actions are more direct and purposeful.  However, for the times when shifts are not as obvious, practicing faith, acceptance, patience and persistence are important. Be open to your experience.  Be open to yourself.  Be open to what SPIRIT has in store for you.  Empowering statements we can say to ourselves as we shift are: “I am exactly who I should be right now”.  “I am exactly where I need to be in my life at this moment”.  “What I am experiencing is for my highest learning and I accept the wisdom of this experience now”. The present is perfectly divine, and you are SPIRIT’S perfect expression.


  • Am I allowing mental, emotional and physical shifts to happen easily and effortlessly?
  • Do I have faith in myself? In SPIRIT?
  • Do I accept myself as I am? Do I accept that my experiences are allowing me to learn and grow in the right and perfect way?
  • Do I see my life as hard or problematic?
  • What programs are blocking me from practicing patience and persistence?
  • Are there programs blocking me from reaching spiritual and physical perfection?

As spiritual beings having a physical experience, we have been endowed with free will to choose, act and manifest. During our life we will always have motivations to change, grow, explore or know new realities, relationships and experiences.

Creating goals and working on them can lead us into a process of unexpected transformation that we may not have been aware of when setting our goal. Our difficulty often lies in aligning our human perception, which may be limited, with the plan of the Soul, and with the plan of Spirit or Divine Plan. To put all these aspects in harmony and learn to flow, will be the appropriate combination so that the highest good manifests in any situation.


As we are entering a new year, you may have set some goals to work on. Think of a goal and work with your High Self to get more clarity.

  • Start doing “prep to work” for yourself, and for everyone involved if that is the case.
  • Ask if there are programs that need to be cleared before working on the goal itself. Make sure you harmonize the energy among those involved.  Ideally it is 100% positive and 0% negative between them all.
  • Ask if there are blocks to reaching and manifesting your goals. Clear whatever is indicated by following the standard SRT procedure.
  • Verify in what % this goal is in harmony with this moment of your life, with the plan of your Soul and with the Divine Plan.
  • Clear associated programs to achieve greater harmony and review if it is necessary to make some modifications to your original goal. Let yourself be guided.
  • Work with your High Self on a frequent basis to receive more guidance, inspiration and clarity throughout the process.