Spiritually clearing ourselves through SRT is only one half of the process that is necessary to create change.  The other half of the process includes our desire and abilities to shift emotionally, mentally and physically.  At times we can see with ourselves and our clients that the second part of this process is more challenging to manage.  Why?  We may not trust SPIRIT, the Universe, or ourselves to support or make a change.

How do we develop this trust?  Become aware of some certainties in life.  For instance, you are certain the sun rises in the morning, the moon appears in the evening, leaves turn colors in the fall, and flowers bloom.  You trust how the universe provides and supports your life in this way. You never question.  You have an expectation of how the universe physically supports the bigger environment. Become aware of one or two things that you do well.  They may be talent or gift of yours or something you do that you feel is as easy as breathing. Whatever it is, you trust yourself to do these things without question.

With your awareness that you can trust SPIRIT, the Universe and yourself, apply this energy to the areas of your life you desire change.  Use a statement such as, “If SPIRIT supplies all the oxygen in my life, then SPIRIT supplies me with ________ to make my life better.”  When you fully build your trust, you will be able to easily and effectively create great changes in your life.


  • Is there anything blocking my ability to trust SPIRIT? To trust SRT? To trust myself?
  • Are there programs blocking my abilities to shift emotionally, mentally or physically?
  • Is there anything blocking my awareness of my talents?
  • What percent do I know that my changes will be for my highest and greatest good?


Our Spiritual Work

We live a moment with great challenges at the collective level on our planet, and therefore our spiritual work is of paramount importance. As facilitators and therapists, we tend to act in aid of others immediately when difficult situations occur, and many times we forget ourselves. If we want to provide a service and support others, it is very important that we start with ourselves, facilitating our own emotional, mental, spiritual and physical processes. It is necessary to be silent, connected with our interior allowing our internal processes to occur, to achieve a transformation.

In these times of apparent confusion and chaos, we can feel that we are out of control or, on the contrary, paralyzed. A good practice is to use it to look inward. Make a retrospective of your life, of your history, of your associations, of what you have considered your mistakes and successes and work on them. Try to find out which of these aspects you are still related to through judgment or lack of forgiveness. This can happen by clearing up and reassessing our relationships, past issues and even our perceptions about politics, religion, the justice system, and any organization, person or group with which we are not completely comfortable.

Try to stimulate in your life and in your environment everything that expands love and not fear, opens the path to peace and not to pain. To support the process, you may want to review the following points:

  • In what % are the emotions / energies I am experiencing mine? If they are yours in some percentage, identify them and allow yourself to observe them. Remember that you are not your emotions, however, they are tools you have in your system to facilitate your learning in this incarnation. Once you look at them, try to find what you must learn through them, thank them and let them go. It may take some practice time to complete the process. You can also use other techniques to work with emotions such as Tapping, the Emotion Code, etc.
  • Am I running someone else’s energies? This is possible since we are involved in collective events (family, community, social media groups, etc.) Clear what leads you to run other´s energies and / or programs. There may be loyalties or votes you wish to cancel.
  • Is there anything that prevents me from focusing and anchoring in the love of SPIRIT at this time? Clear whatever is necessary and affirm:
    • “I am a divine spiritual being living on earth here and now (inhale and exhale between each sentence). My learning path is correct and perfect here and now. I surrender to the care of SPIRIT and let go of fear. Fear is the illusion that I can be separated from SPIRIT. I am SPIRIT here and now.”