Healing Through Forgiveness

When we do an SRT session, at the base of the clearing process itself, healing is happening through forgiveness. This powerful transformation supports our healing on many levels and is part of the primary idea behind Spiritual Response Therapy.

Keeping discordant energy towards a situation or person always implies a lack of forgiveness. It is important to know that the discordant energies generating the resultant programs keep us energetically tied to the situation of the past, and the associated programs are recreated with our own vital energy until that situation is resolved. The lack of forgiveness implies difficulty in seeing the learning that this situation or person is facilitating to us. Additionally, behind any lack of forgiveness there is judgment towards ourselves for having allowed the situation to happen (lack of forgiveness with ourselves). In this way we find ourselves in a pattern of guilt and resistance to release and let go. True forgiveness also means forgiving ourselves.

Forgiving does not mean that we accept what the other did was right or wrong. Forgiving means that we want to heal the situation, release our energy, and move on.

When we clear programs with SRT, a powerful process of forgiveness is happening spiritually. When High Self/ SPIRIT shows us a program, it is because the time has come to review that situation, heal, and forgive. This process is what supports the releasing of the experience and allows the Soul to complete the learning process involved. However, in some cases it may also be necessary to carry out a process of conscious forgiveness using some additional tool in addition to the clearing.

The following questions can help to bring more light and understanding about the situation we want/need to forgive:

  • Is there anything that prevents me from forgiving……?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from seeing the learning in this situation?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from taking responsibility for this situation?
  • What is my learning in this situation? (Search for clues in the charts)
  • What prevents me from properly integrating the learning involved?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from forgiving, releasing and letting go?
  • Is there anything that prevents me from forgiving myself and freeing myself?
  • What% of my energy is still recreating this situation? (The idea is to have 0% which implies that the detachment from the situation has been successfully completed).