This is for you
Volume 4 Number 10
Only love has the highest outcome. Fear is a misperception that we can be separate from SPIRIT and the highest expression of love.
Love is happiness. Love is open. Love is creative. Love is healing. Love is playful. Love is forgiving. Love is powerful. Love is expressed in everything in our existence. Love
is expressed in every experience. Love is each and every one of US. Love is SPIRIT. SPIRIT is Love. SPIRIT radiates in every particle, thought, idea, emotion and feeling. With every breath taken, you are connected to and expressing SPIRIT. Therefore, love can only express the highest outcome.
Anything we feel is less than the many expressions of love has its origins in fear and separation. So always encourage yourself and others to see how all situations are connected to the infinite pathways of love…the expressions of SPIRIT. Each situation is an opportunity to: love yourself more; show you how you’re not loving yourself enough; connect on a deeper level with others; learn how to attract more loving experiences; create more loving interactions with animals, plants and our planet; or see how you are co-creating experiences. Everything is loving opportunity for you to express SPIRIT’s magnificence and therefore create only the highest outcome.
- Do I allow every experience to vibrate with 100% loving energies? Why not?
- Do I see my connectedness with everything that occurs on our planet? Why not?
- Why do I allow fear and other separation energies to become my expression?
- How true are these statements for me:
- I am Love
- I am One and Connected with All
- Do I know I am deserving of only the highest outcome all of the time? Why not?

Spiritual Healing Principles (c)2006 Kathryn Hamilton-Cook. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.