International Classes

The Spiritual Response Association (SRA) does not manage scheduling, pricing, or registration for Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) or Spiritual Restructuring (SpR) classes taught by Certified Teachers. For additional information on classes listed below, please contact the individual teacher. Keep in mind many of our teachers are willing to travel or schedule a class if there is enough interest in your area. So, if you do not see a class listed in your area, contact an individual teacher to see if they have anything scheduled. All classes are taught in the country’s native language, unless otherwise noted. Classes are subject to change.

Downloadable version can be found by clicking the button below.

Please check the credentials of your SRT teacher on this list. Individuals not on this list do not have up to date accreditation as per SRA’s requirements. The SRA does not vouch for the quality of their work.  

Please be aware that certificates issued by anyone other than accredited teachers are not valid for eligibility into Continuing Education and Advanced classes. If you have any doubt about credentials, you can check the Ethics Caution List by clicking on the button below or contact the SRA office.

Click the tabs below to see teachers listed by country.